Monday, January 12, 2015

Scented Candles or Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Diffuser for Aromatherapy?

Just as the smell of freshly baked bread and fried chicken stirs your appetite, for sure the sweet fragrance of roses and jasmine flowers lift up your spirits and make you feel great! In this connection using an electric aromatherapy diffuser is a big yes!

One of the oldest methods of holistic healing, that means, equipped to regenerate the body, the mind and the spirit is with the use of fragrance or aroma, better known today as aromatherapy.

As an alternative and complementary science, aromatherapy usesthe physiological and psychological benefits of herbs essence. Through the sense of smell, the volatile and essential plant oils are used to promote good health and treatment of several diseases like stress, arthritis, obesity, dementia, cancer, and also helps in the reduction of pain.

However, not all “fragrances” or “perfumes” are beneficial and can qualify as aromatherapy. Only natural essential oils, that is, without the presence of synthetic chemicals or without artificial ingredients are capable of providing therapeutic value. The focus of aromatherapy depends on the healing power of the essential oil.

Highly concentrated essential oils are used in aromatherapy, thus, they should never be used on the skin without diluting them, of course with a few exceptions. Blending together different essential oils is called synergy. The combination of different essential oils is more powerful and effective than the individual oils. 

How do aroma and scents influence our mood and rejuvenate our body?  When fragrances are inhaled through the fine hair lining the nose, they enter a certain part of the brain called the limbic system.  It controls our moods, emotions, memory and learning.  As the brain responds to the positive power of the aroma, it stimulates emotional well-being which encourages relaxation and healing.  Scents inhaled determine the effects on our feelings and emotions.Sense of smell is very important so once a person loses his sense of smell, his well-being is altered and can prompt anxiety and depression.

Unknown to many, aromatherapy is already being done at home.  As the name implies, this therapy has to do with aroma, scent or fragrance.   Aromas could spring from flowers, plants, incense sticks and pastes.

Decorating your homes with fragrant flowers could help and can get rid of mental and physical stress.  

As aromas influence our emotions and behaviors, it is indeed advisable to use the best diffuser for aromatherapy. 

As early as 1920s, the healing property of essential oils was discovered by a French Chemist in the person of Rene Maurice Gate Fosse. The power of essential oils may be used for many purposes but Egyptians make use of it for medicinal, cosmetic, and embalming purposes. But for most people, aromatherapy can ease their tension and stress brought about by hectic schedule and heavy work load.

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